"Put your faith in what you most believe in." (Source: Disney's Tarzan)
When Philip David Charles "Phil" Collins was born in Chiswick (Great Britain) on January 30, 1951, no one anticipated what a brilliant success he would ever become. Where, for many pop musicians, a single number one hit would mark the climax of a lifetime, for Phil Collins, it is just one of the many highs that mark his great career. Number one hits in multiple countries for singles and albums have ‘littered’ his career, plus, how many musicians can claim to have Grammy awards, Golden Globe awards and even an Oscar?
Either with Genesis or as a solo artist, Phil Collins really captures the ears and the hearts of his fans. Whenever his hits are heard, whether on the go, on the radio, live or privately at home; people know his songs, his stories, sing along and identify with the music that has accompanied them through all walks of life for many years.
Why did we decide to perform as a Phil Collins/Genesis Tribute Band? Primarily because we, as fans, have not only grown up with his music but, can also relate to his great lyrics and music. Each member of the band has their own experience of the music of Phil Collins and Genesis but for all of us, our aim is to be a true tribute band, not just a cover band. True tribute means respect, recognition, and humility towards a great artist. Respect for a life's work, a life story and the talent and influence of a man to whom our tribute show pays homage, song by song.
Our aim is to play the songs as they deserve to be played. In every single note, you’ll feel our respect for the greatest hits in pop history. We live every harmony, every word and every sound and we wish only one thing... that our listeners can hear, feel and share our enjoyment of the original. And maybe there will be moments when someone in the audience closes their eyes and thinks, "That reminds me...." That is what we are doing with this Tribute show, that is our motivation.Phil it! is not just a Phil Collins Coverband; you are booking a detailed Phil Collins and Genesis experience that the audience will remember for a long time.


Not only with our music, but also with the technology we rely on the highest quality standards. Sound, technical staff, show, light. Nothing is left to chance with us.
We are a reliable partner. No matter if city festival, business event or OpenAir. You can count on us.
Our show consists of a careful selection of the greatest hits by Phil Collins and Genesis.

Contact us early so that we can reserve your date in time.
Oerrock Festival NL (Netherlands)
The stories behind the Songs of Phil Collins and Genesis
The stories behind the Songs of Phil Collins and Genesis
The Song was released in 1990. It was written by Phil Collins and his longtime guitarist and friend Daryl Stuermer.
The Song was released in 1985. It is on the B-Side of the "No Jacket Required" album.